Monday, February 23, 2009

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

"Cristina soon realizes that the ex-spouses are still in love, and María Elena confides that their relationship was always loving but unstable because they were missing something, a mystery element neither of them figured out. María Elena now suggests that the missing link is in fact, Cristina, and the three indulge in extremely cooperative sexual relationships, as Cristina begins making love to María Elena as well."

Vicky Cristina Barcelona
IMDB (Internet Movie Database)

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)

Overall I thought it had the making of an excellent Trinogamy movie.
I was pleasantly surprised by Woody Allens thoughtfulness and insight
into this delicate social topic. Great job Woody!

Is there a pure Trinogamy movie on the horizon? Only time will tell.

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